Walthour-Moss Foundation

On a recent July 2019 hot Sunday afternoon I went hiking at the Walthour-Moss Foundation equestrian park.  I hiked all the way down a sandy road next to the NCSU equestrian research center.  The road ends at a private stable area for horses. On the way back, a path into the forest was taken. There are many trails,  a few of them are marked.  Even though a compass and map was brought, navigation using Google Maps on a smart phone was used.  Doing this navigation saved me much time as it is much more specific than a map and compass, at least for me.  No one was encountered during my hike which I think was due to the temperatures being in the 90s F and fairly humid also.
Above: I hiked all the way down the sandy road to the left of this photo.  This photo is one of the entrances to the park.

This is a photo looking to the right from the above photo.

This photo is about halfway down the road.

Forest scene encountered.

Another forest scene encountered.

Dead wood standing.

If you go, best to wear sturdy and supportive footwear and bring water, food and protection from the sun and weather.  Also take a smart phone with Google Maps or similar to know where you are at all times.  You need to sign a liability waiver to legally be in the park.   My journey in the Walthour-Moss Foundation was a great way to get out of the house and I hope you enjoy your visit. 

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